Breaks (2019)

Written by Ben Wilson
Directed by Keegan Bragg
Performed by Katie Alexander, Katherine Dewar, Lucy Glass, Stella Henderson, Ethan Morse, Mia Oudes, Brit O’Rourke, Piper Rogan, Shauwn Keil, Jessica Soderberg, Max Steel, Charlie Tilley, Sam Wahlers.

Set Design by Keegan Bragg
Lighting Design by Bekky Boyce
Sound Design by Bekky Boyce

Dates 14 - 18 November
Venue Te Whaea D10 Space, Wellington (NZ)

From the staff break room, to prison breaks, relationship breaks and communication breakdowns. Explore the inner-workings of micro-moments. The greater and life changing things that occur in moments where we are meant to be catching our breath and gaining a little perspective. 

Long Cloud Youth Theatre’s latest collaboration combines the imagination and power of playwright Ben Wilson (Post-It Notes, I’ll Be Fine) with Long Cloud’s hallmark theatrical style. Set across four different worlds, Breaks is an odyssey of storytelling where absurdity, mundanity, tragedy and comedy have a habit of finishing each other’s sentences.  

Directed by Keegan Bragg (Thereafter, Wise Guy), Long Cloud welcomes audiences to Toi Whakaari’s D10 space for a breathless journey through time and space – all in search of a good break.

Photography by Philip Merry.


An Unseasonable Fall of Snow (2022)


Wise Guy (2019)